A thousand words
Photo of the Month (September 2024 Edition): Jaguaretê The Jaguaretê, the true jaguar, known in Brazil as the onça-pintada (Panthera onca), is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic animals of Abya-Yala. Despite its wide geographic distribution, from northern Argentina to the southern United States, some populations are in decline. Hunting and habitat destruction make […]
The Unexpected Experiment I’ve heard several times that, in tourist spots, if there’s someone with a “professional” camera and a tripod set up, many people will gather around to take a photo from the same angle, in the most “professional” way possible. One of the explanations for this is that, in theory, “professional” cameras are […]
Photo of the Month (August 2024 Edition): Serenity The westernmost point of Brazil is in the state of Acre. It is the springs of the Moa River, located in the Contamana Mountain Range, also known locally as the Moa Range or Serra do Divisor, a name that refers to the border with Peru. This […]
The missed moment #4 – Yellow Ipe Photographing trees is both simple and challenging. As static objects in the landscape, they are relatively easy to frame and compose with the sky, the background, or other surrounding elements. However, this simplicity brings the challenge of creating a standout composition among the thousands of landscape photos […]