Photo of the Month (February 2024) March Edition: Exploring New Horizons

Photo of the Month (February / March 2024 Edition): Exploring New Horizons   “Drone photography,” much like “mobile photography,” is a peculiar concept, as it involves photographs taken by cameras on devices adapted for various purposes. In this case, the drone is merely a vehicle that may or may not carry a camera. This unmanned […]

Exhibition “Água Pantanal Fogo”: The two faces of a threatened floodplain

Exhibition “Water Pantanal Fire”: The two faces of a threatened plain     In the spring of 2020, when the waters should have begun to inundate the largest and most biodiverse floodplain on the Planet, what was seen was exactly the opposite. The conjunction of two factors, of very different natures, caused instead of waters, […]

Photo of the month (January 2024): Change

Photo of the month (January 2024): Change   The quote “new year, new life” never made sense to me before the transition from 2023 to 2024. Literally, I left a 3-year living in Europe on Dec 31st. to land back in South America on Jan. 1st 2024, while seeing the firework shows over São Paulo […]

The missed moment #1 – Ubatuba

The missed moment #1 – Ubatuba   (This post was originally published on May 3rd 2023 in Portuguese in an earlier version of the blog)   In 1957, Henri Cartier-Bresson told the Washington Post: “There is a creative fraction of a second when you are taking a picture. Your eye must see a composition or […]

Photo of the month (December 2023): Etna

Photo of the month (December 2023): Etna   Once upon a time I realised that my top three things that I wanted so badly to see, and photograph, were the auroras, the giant waves of Nazaré and volcanoes in eruption. I don’t know exactly why these three things, but probably because they share one particular […]

Why should a photograph be printed

Why should a photograph be printed    Exactly five years ago I heard from the Brazilian nature photographer Araquém Alcantara that “photography is only complete with the photo printed in a book or hanging on the wall”. I assumed that as an universal truth and a couple of months later many photos that I made […]

Photo of the month (November 2023): Arctic Orca

Photo of the month (November 2023): Arctic Orca   Skjervøy, in Northern Norway, is nowadays one of the best places in the world to see pools of orcas  (Orcinus orca). During the winter, in the cold waters of the Arctic fjords, the Cetaceans find their preferred food: the herring, a fish from the Clupeidae family. […]

Human Rights and Environment special nomination from Wiki Loves Earth 2023: what I learned with my first experience as juror in a photographic contest

Human Rights and Environment special nomination from Wiki Loves Earth 2023: what I learned with my first experience as juror in a photographic contest   On December 10th 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly. According to the UN, the Declaration “is a milestone in the history […]

Photo of the month (October 2023): Tanzanita, the Lynx

Photo of the month (October 2023): Tanzanita, the Lynx   Most of my photographic campaigns in 2023 were dedicated to the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus). I estimate some 300 hours in four months searching for them in the Sierra de Andújar, Southern Spain. Thus, I thought that the October´s Photo should be on my last […]

The nightmare that didn’t come true

The nightmare that didn’t come true   Perhaps most landscape photographers have watched Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams. The movie is composed of eight disconnected pieces, written from dreams or aspects of Kurosawa´s personal life. What drives the photographer’s attention to this particular movie is the light and colours. The photography of the eight pieces is a […]